Misty Dawn

Breastfeeding Food Guide

I nursed two of my children for the 16 months. I discovered certain foods made my son very, very gassy. The pediatrician gave a nursing food guide that I am passing on.

Every single baby is unique in their own way. I suggest consulting your pediatrician, doula, or lactation consultant with any concerns. I know from experience that certain foods can affect a gassy baby.

Please keep a bland diet 24-48 hours before your session. Please eat comfort foods, such as breads, pastas and potatoes and whole grains to keep your baby comfortable. After the session, you are welcome to choose any diet you wish, however; we do know that gassy babies may need to be treated.

Please use at your own discretion and consult a professional when needed.

This list is a helpful guide of common foods to avoid while nursing. These foods typically affect babies under 6 weeks. As they get older, introduce foods one at a time to see how they are affected. Every baby is different, so be sure to consult your pediatrician.

  • Citrus Acidic food and drinks such as: Cranberries, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Oranges, and Lemons
  • All berries
  • Tomatoes or tomato products
  • Chocolate (rarely affects babies)
  • Peanuts – nuts in general
  • Pizza
  • Spaghetti
  • Chili
  • Tacos/Spicy/Mexican Food/Salsa
  • Ketchup

Restrict Foods such as:

  • Soda, Coffee, Tea, Wine and Beer
  • Check with your Doctor to see if Dairy is an issue.
  • Gassy Vegetables such as Asparagus, Onions, cucumbers/pickles, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage

It is highly suggested if your baby is gassy, to avoid the foods mentioned 48 hours
before your session.

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Misty Dawn Photography Breastfeeding Food Guide

February 26, 2022

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