Misty Dawn

Newborn Sessions

What to expect

You will receive a session prep email before your session. I will gently guide you to having an easy session for your newborn. Most ideally, we want your baby happy and sleepy, better yet, asleep during their newborn session. Sleeping babies are easier to pose and transition into wraps and props which will make the session go smoothly.

Family Poses

At the beginning of your session, if your newborn has siblings and you want family pictures done, we will do that first. This allows us to get those oh so important pictures done before any of the children get restless. It also allows the option for them to leave with the other parent while the rest of the newborn pictures take place.

Misty Dawn Photography Newborn Sessions

Table Poses

We will have two different backdrops for the table poses with different bonnets, sleepy hats, headbands, and of course poses. All of these options are decided upon in collaboration with each other.

Misty Dawn Photography Newborn Sessions


I have a variety of beautiful wrap fabrics at the studio in a variety of colors and textures. I have multiple ways of wrapping your newborn for beautiful results in the pictures and for a comfortable baby.

Misty Dawn Photography Newborn Sessions


I have a collection of props and love to incorporate the colors of your selections into props for your newborn. These are often my favorite pictures of the session. I get to be creative in planning your prop shots and they can be so beautiful. You can find an article on my most used props here.

Want a Session?

Contact me via this link if you’d like to send me an email. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me page. Lastly, find me on Facebook. Feel free to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography Newborn Sessions

February 12, 2022

  1. […] Planning in advance ensures that newborn sessions are able to be booked. If a newborn session has not been scheduled in advance, I do ask that clients call or email within 24 hours of giving birth with the newborn’s statistical info. My wish is for healthy wonderful deliveries, however; I know that complications or postpartum recovery delays do happen. Find out more about Newborn sessions here. […]

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