Misty Dawn

Birth Plan for Birmingham

Building a birth plan

Building a birth plan is something every mom-to-be should do. Sure, who knows what will actually happen! However, having a plan helps soothe anxieties and prepare you and your partner for what you both want most to happen during the birth of your baby.

Best Laid Plans

It’s so exciting, expecting a new baby. Maybe when you think of your birth plan, you get overwhelmed and have no idea what you would like best to happen during the labor and delivery of your baby. This article will be an overview of some of the options to think about and decide upon.
Here is a list of the many things to think about that you would like to happen, if everything goes smoothly. It is likely there will be a hiccup and you will have to make some last minute changes. But that’s okay, you’re prepared.

  1. People
  2. Environment
  3. Arrival
  4. Intervention
  5. Labor and Delivery
  6. Postpartum

What To Expect

We will break down each category with all the questions and options to consider. I’m excited to help you figure out the perfect birth plan for you and your new baby. has great resources for building a birth plan. Ginny Graves writes “Of course you understand that all plans and preferences may go completely out the window once things are really under way. But still, thinking about your birth, discussing it with your partner and OB-GYN or midwife, and writing a few things down in advance will ease your anxiety level and help you address your biggest concerns.”

In the end, you will have this beautiful new baby and you will forget all about these many decisions and anxieties. Once you have your sweet baby in your arms, all your hard work and preparation will be more than worth it. Your new love is waiting to be in your loving arms.

Want to know more? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me page. For further emphasis on sessions, refer to this blog post. Lastly, find me on Facebook. Feel free to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography Birmingham Birth Plan

July 9, 2021