Misty Dawn

Your Session


Proper posing, lighting and post-processing techniques ensure you look your best. With over 5 years of experience, Misty understands how to “drop 20 pounds” with good camera skills, and reduce tired eyes and “aging” with quality, but subdued Photoshop work. Fathers are often reluctant to be in the family photo, concerned it will take up too much time. Or, they’re camera shy. Misty is known for her uncomplicated sessions that produce natural, fun-filled and easy-going results.

Misty Dawn Photography Milestones Birmingham

Let The Kids Be Kids

Our goal is to help your children have the time of their lives, eliciting natural expressions and not forced smiles. Many parents are concerned their children will not “behave” or “listen.” However, we don’t worry about that one bit. The goal is to capture your kids as they truly are at this time of their lives. A little “naughtiness” can create authentic and heart-stopping images! Genuine expression is our focus. Sometimes images of your children NOT smiling are the most compelling. Those soulful looks focus the energy on your child’s eyes — the windows to their heart and soul — making an image that takes your breath away.

Want a Session?

Contact me via this link if you’d like to send me an email. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me page. Lastly, find me on Facebook. Feel free to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography Client Closet Birmingham

January 16, 2022

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