Misty Dawn

Twins Photos

Twins photos are so unique to capture.

“Twice the Joy,
Twice the Love,
Twice the Blessings from Above.”

Misty Dawn Photography Twins Photos Birmingham AL

Twin Boys

6 week olds, adjusted age, and their beautiful Mother, looking like the queen she is. She wanted to capture this special time. I see so much love and strength in their mother’s eyes.

Some twins look so different even at the newborn stage.

Often times, twins are born early. In fact, doctors expect them to be delivered earlier than the due date. These twins spent the first month of life in the hospital.

Misty Dawn PhotographyT wins Photos Birmingham AL

Twins Personalities

Even when newborns are this young their personalities can shine through in pictures. How adorable is this little guy sticking out his tongue? Can you imagine him teasing his brother as they get older? Look at the next photo, the other twin is showing some of his personality too.

Misty Dawn PhotographyT wins Photos Birmingham AL

Want a Session?

Contact me via this link if you’d like to send me an email. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me page. Lastly, find me on Facebook. Feel free to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography Wardrobe Birmingham AL

October 31, 2022

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