Misty Dawn

When to Schedule Newborn Photos

Welcoming a newborn into your family is such a magical experience! As a newborn photographer, I am honored to help families capture these precious moments in timeless, beautiful photographs. One of the most common questions I receive is about when to schedule newborn photos. Understanding the best timing for these sessions ensures we capture your baby in all their newborn newness safely and beautifully.

Misty Dawn Photography when to schedule newborn photos

When to Inquire about Newborn Photos

Given the optimal  timeframes for newborn photography, it’s best to book your session as early as possible, ideally during your pregnancy. This allows us to plan around your due date and ensures availability in those precious first weeks after birth. However, I understand that each family’s journey is unique, and I strive to be as flexible as possible to accommodate your needs.

Ideal Timing for Newborn Sessions

For the best results, I recommend newborn sessions take place when your baby is 3-8 days old if there were no complications or surgery. The next best time is around 2-3 weeks old. These early days are ideal for several reasons, primarily related to your baby’s physical characteristics and behavior during this time.

Booking Up to 6 Weeks

While the ideal window for a newborn session is within the first couple weeks, I understand that life with a new baby can be hectic and unpredictable. Therefore, I do book newborn sessions up to 6 weeks old. Babies at this age are still wonderfully photogenic, though their sleep patterns and flexibility will be different compared to their earlier days. I adapt my posing techniques to accommodate their developmental stage, ensuring we still capture beautiful, memorable images.

Misty Dawn Photography when to schedule newborn photos

Newborn Physicality and Posing

During the first few weeks of life, newborns are incredibly flexible and more accustomed to the curled-up positions they enjoyed in the womb. This flexibility allows for those adorable, sleepy poses that highlight their tiny features so beautifully. During the first 2 weeks of life, babies are typically very sleepy and easily posed, making this an optimal time for capturing those serene, peaceful shots.

Deep Sleep and Newborn Photography

One of the key reasons for booking a session within the first couple of weeks is the depth of a newborn’s sleep. In these early days, babies tend to sleep deeply and more frequently, which is perfect for achieving those sweet, uninterrupted moments in photographs. As they grow older, especially after the 1-2 month mark, babies become more alert and spend more time awake. Their sleep cycles become shorter and lighter, making it more challenging to capture those tranquil, sleepy images that are so cherished in newborn photography.

Misty Dawn Photography when to schedule newborn photos

Premature Babies and Adjusting Timelines

When a baby is born prematurely, the timeline for scheduling newborn photos can change. The health and well-being of your baby are always the top priority. Once your baby is home and you feel comfortable, we can discuss the best time to schedule your session. Typically, we would adjust the timeline to account for your baby’s original due date rather than their birth date. This approach helps in achieving those classic newborn poses while considering the baby’s health and development.


Capturing the early days of your newborn’s life is a beautiful way to preserve these fleeting moments forever. By understanding when to schedule newborn photos and the importance of those early weeks, we can work together to create timeless images that you’ll treasure for a lifetime. Whether your baby arrives on time or comes a bit early, I’m here to help document this incredible time in your family’s life with care, professionalism, and lots of patience.

If you’re expecting and considering a newborn photography session, please feel free to reach out and discuss your due date and preferences. Let’s create beautiful memories of your little one’s first days together.

Want to Inquire?

Now that you are all set with your hospital bag for delivery, would you like to inquire about our newborn sessions? Contact me via this link. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me  page. Lastly, find me on Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to send me a message. I would love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography when to schedule newborn photos

May 21, 2024

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