Misty Dawn

Packing Your Hospital Bag for Delivery

As the excitement of your baby’s arrival draws near, it is very important that you have everything prepared for the big day. As a newborn and maternity photographer, I understand the importance of being well-prepared. Preparations builds confidence. One crucial task to check off your list is packing your hospital bag for delivery. Let’s look into what essentials you should pack in your hospital bag to ensure a smooth and comfortable experience.

Clothing Essentials:

  1. Comfortable Clothes: Pack loose-fitting, comfortable clothing for yourself, such as pajamas, nightgowns, and robes. Opt for fabrics that are breathable and soft against your skin. If you are planning to nurse, I found that zip up nightgowns work really well.
  2. Going-Home Outfit: Don’t forget to pack an adorable outfit for your newborn to wear when you leave the hospital. Choose something cozy and weather-appropriate. Also, do not forget the outfit you will go home in. Opt for loose fitting clothes, you may still be swollen from giving birth.
  3. Socks and Slippers: Keep your feet warm and cozy with a pair of socks and comfortable slippers. Hospital floors can be chilly, so having warm footwear will make you much more comfortable.

Toiletries and Personal Care Items:

  1. Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Maintain your oral hygiene by packing your toothbrush and toothpaste.
  2. Hairbrush or Comb: Keep your hair tidy with a brush or comb and something to pull it out of your face like a scrunchie.
  3. Skincare Products: Bring along your favorite skincare essentials to keep your skin moisturized and refreshed during your hospital stay.
  4. Lip Balm: Hospitals can be dry environments, so don’t forget to pack a moisturizing lip balm to prevent chapped lips.
  5. Sanitary Pads: Be prepared for postpartum bleeding by packing a supply of sanitary pads. The hospital will likely provide this for you but it is best you have them just in case.

Comfort Items:

  1. Pillows and Blankets: Make your hospital room feel more like home by bringing your own pillows and blankets for added comfort. Just do not bring white because it will likely get confused with the hospitals bedding.
  2. Favorite Snacks: Pack some nutritious snacks to keep your energy levels up during recovery. Choose snacks that are easy to eat and provide sustained energy.
  3. Entertainment: Bring along books, magazines, or a tablet loaded with your favorite movies or TV shows to help pass the time during labor.
  4. Birth Plan: If you have a birth plan, make sure to bring copies for your healthcare provider and support team.

Essential Documents:

  1. Identification and Insurance Cards: Do not forget to pack your identification and insurance cards for the hospital registration process.
  2. Hospital Forms: Fill out any necessary hospital forms in advance and bring them with you to streamline the admission process.
  3. Contact List: Keep a list of important contact numbers, including your healthcare provider, partner, and family members.

Baby Essentials:

  1. Diapers and Wipes: Pack plenty of diapers and wipes for your newborn. You’ll go through more than you think during your hospital stay. Again, it is likely the hospital will provide these items but you should be prepared in case they do not.
  2. Swaddle Blankets: Bring along a few soft, lightweight swaddle blankets to keep your baby cozy and comfortable. Many babies love to be swaddled. Your nurse should be able to show you how to wrap the baby in a swaddle. Below is a tutorial of me wrapping one of our tiny clients.
  3. Baby Clothes: Pack a few changes of clothing for your baby, including onesies, sleepers, and hats. You may also want to bring some outfits of varying sizes in case your baby is smaller or larger than a typical newborn (6-7lbs).
  4. Car Seat: Don’t forget to install your baby’s car seat properly in your vehicle before heading to the hospital. This is a crucial safety measure for bringing your baby home. You don’t want to figure it out in the hospital parking lot.


  1. Camera or Smartphone: Capture precious moments by bringing along a camera or smartphone to document your baby’s first moments. I have a great freebie for how to take great hospital pictures with your phone.
  2. Chargers: Don’t forget to pack chargers for your electronic devices to ensure they stay powered up throughout your hospital stay.


By following this comprehensive checklist, you can ensure that your hospital bag for delivery is packed with all the essentials you’ll need for a smooth and comfortable experience. Remember to pack ahead of time, ideally around the 36-week mark, to avoid any last-minute stress. Wishing you a safe and blessed delivery!

Want to Inquire?

Now that you are all set with your hospital bag for delivery, would you like to inquire about our newborn sessions? Contact me via this link. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me  page. Lastly, find me on Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to send me a message. I would love to hear from you.

Misty Dawn Photography hospital bag for delivery-

May 14, 2024

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