Misty Dawn

Boy Baby Pictures

Pictures of baby boy

Baby boy pictures are usually minimalistic. Most parent do not want flowers. I do try to create scenes with greenery for boys which parents really like. You can see I used pine cones in the picture below. Boy sessions are just so different from girls.


I have 3 boys of my own and it is wonderful. But I wouldn’t want flowers in their pictures either. The first picture above has a layer of twine underneath the bucket to give it texture. This boy baby looks so comfortable and happy with that huge smile on his face.


While many baby just sleep during their session and allow me to pose them as need, we are always very cautious about the safety of baby. My husband and assistant, Philip, is always close by, keeping a watchful eye on baby to be sure they don’t fall out of the pose and get hurt.

Comfy Baby

Babies usually fall right to sleep once they are wrapped. We can get so many amazing pictures while baby is sleeping comfortably in our soft wraps. We keep an under wrap on the babies to keep them bundled up and comfortable and change out the outer layer to create different looks.

Want a Session

Contact me via this link if you’d like to send me an email. Need to know more first? You can learn so much about Misty Dawn Photography right here on my website or more specifically about the photographer on the About Me page. Lastly, find me on Facebook. Feel free to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you.

MistyDawnPhotography boy baby pictures birmingham al

September 13, 2022

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